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Jack Blog 2


Catch myself over thinking the large details, so I am left at a stand-off with the small details, not wanting to start or move forward with the micro attention that I like to do, because I have created the brain traffic jam. I have just made myself a crossing guard and I have fixed the traffic jam for now. I know what must be animated and how I will do it- Need to continue story boarding, and begin work on a small external project I have taken under my wing . That will be fun, I am certain. Just to escape the focus Lately, which is growing wearisome on my mind. It just weighs heavily- I am not sick of it. The weight of the infant idea , sometimes there is growing pains with the idea. Other times it is seamless

It snowed a lot last night, and today- over 1 foot. Maybe 1.5 feet   . I saw a kid about 4 or 5 trying to conquer the relatively enormous snowdrifts. He was drowning in that snow pile. I have faded memories of being somewhere close to his age- looking over the threshold of snow that surrounded me almost completely- similar to what that kid experienced earlier today, I bet


I wonder if he will remember this day and this snow as I remember the snow memory in my head. And if a person saw me that day when I was a child- Do they remember it? Most likely not.

This reminds me of the idea I have where when you die- you get to sit in a movie theater and watch a slideshow of all of the pictures and videos where you are the unwilling and unknowing participant. Like being in the background of a vacation photo. That would be a completely strange experience, I am sure


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creative devotion, channeled through bizarre and questionable modes of transport
that is what i like and what I love
me an you are gona make tsunami;s if we can say hello to fear and walk on By
if not, we will remain static and unborn

does the two thousand and ten creative individual dream of working for Warner Brothers, vs. Machinima? Dreamworks, vs. Failblog?

I cannot say

In two thousand in ten, I was 15 years old and I was in love with digital video
Now i want to make big pictures and i dont care
I love digital resolution (big and small)


**alrite this is next chapter of the blog page so welcome to the new 1. it will be just as nice if not nicer. the old blog html was fucked up beyond sanity